Out Reach Ministry and church plantations :

Out Reach ministries is the key of all ministries and the beginning of “UCORM” . It was started by the founder of this ministry Mrs. Elizabeth Moses. In the beginning days there was no place to conduct the services. She used to fast and pray and ask God to give atleast  one soul for “HIM”. With her fervent prayers God inspired a man and slowly changed his family they all accepted Christ as their personal saviour. From then they gave her a little place to organize the cottage prayers in their thatched house. With these cottage prayers in their house the whole family was blessed and the witness of this family saved many people in that village and prayer congregation was multiplied. As the space was  not enough to accommodate  all these believers we constructed a small church from the emoluments which she got after the demise of her husband. This was the seed which she sowed for HIS kingdom and now the crop is ready for the harvest. “ The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”( James 5:16). During our outreach ministry we encountered with many difficulties to reach the remote villages. There are no travelling facilities and we have to walk miles reach these villages. We have to depend on kerosene lamps as there is no provision of electricity in these villages. Most of these tribal village people are Idol worshipers. At the beginning they rejected the Gospel and opposed us. As we regularly conducted medical camps for them and shared the love of Christ they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. As there is no place to conduct  Sunday worship we slowly  started church plantations in the tribal villages. By the support of many believers so far we are able pant 7 churches  in different villages to save perishing souls for Gods kingdom. Nearly 250 members attend these churches and still there are more places where the Gospel has to be carried out. There is a very immediate requirement of public announcement system in these constructed churches. We also need Bibles and biblical literature for free distribution. There is also need of 16mm screens and projectors to show them “Jesus films” to get then know more of Christ. As many of these tribal people  are illiterates we believe that it is the best way to show them who Jesus Christ is ? and what Jesus has done for us?  


Ministry among the orphan and street children :

“ He took little children up in his arms and blessed them” ( mark 10:16)

During our outreach camps we  came across many street children engaged in begging, thefts and many other sympathetic situations. We find that these children after growing up are becoming antisocial elements and are perishing without knowing about the true love of God, the crucifiction of Christ on the cross and about the salvation. So we gathered some orphan boys and provided food for them. When we enquired about their parents we came to know these are the children of lepers, aids victims, and labourers. These children were working at near by quarries breaking  stones to earn thei livelihood and there is every scope for them to become turbulent. King Solomon advised us to train up the children for God. So we have started Sunday school ministry in the old house  which was given to sister Elizabeth Moses by her parents. She dedicated this house and the adjacent place to “UCORM”.  One day while teaching the Sunday school we recognized that many children are unable to read Bible because they don’t know how to read and write. We immediately understood the necessity and started giving them basic education by providing them books and other necessity materials. These children are very helpful to us in our church services and in the outreach ministries. We welcome all children regardless of their spiriritual back ground. We treat all children as a part of our family. It has been a really difficult task for us to bring these children out their old life style. “Real love in action” encouraged them to join with us as one family. We often faced many problems  as it is very expensive to provide them with good education and with basic needs. Orphan children represent the end point of a complex set of factors which require lots of resources and efforts to the problem. A situation that has been created due to the existing social and economic pressures in this society, needs to be addressed at the root of the problem through an attitudinal change. While meeting both the immediate and long term needs of the individual child. “UCORM” aims at creating an awareness of the situation that forces the child onto streets and also the situations that robbed children of their right to a joyful and safe childhood. The policy makers, industries , society and church need to view the orphan children with compassion and sensitivity.    


Ministry among the youth :

“For we are the labourers together with God” ( 1 Corinthians  3:9 )

We find most people are not aware of the real saviour of the world. It is or burden to train up full time Christian workers and also in order to make staunch preachers we are praying to start  “NAZERENE BIBLE SCHOOL” for the youth and elders which trains them in basic principles of salvation and discipleship. With a systematic bible study we want the students to become preachers of the word of God. During summer holidays we are conducting youth camps and youth crusades, vocational bible schools , Sunday school retreats and revival meetings as far as God permits. As  a pioneer of evangelism in our journeys we in different areas we find that most of the people need medical aid. So we started an Para Medical Educational Training  Institute to train youth in different Para medical courses like Nursing, Medical lab technology, Physiotherapy  and X-ray technology. We also started giving them the computer education so as prepare them to face various changes  in the world. The students which we train them are very useful to conduct medical camps among the poor and the disabled. We also conduct HIV/AIDS awareness programmes and preach the word of God  


Ministry among the old destitute widows and lepers :

“ when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them” ( Mathew 9:36)

Another important activity of our ministry is among destitute widows and lepers. We find many old aged widows single and no one to look after them. As they are very old they cant go for work. So we engage them in preaching the word of God, singing and in helping the orphan children. We help and provide them with clothing, food, and medicines, among these there are some women who can sing well for Jesus and are very useful in our ministry. They re good prayer warriors and always spend time in prayer whenever  we go for our tribal outreach ministry. Another pathetic is the condition of the lepers in our area. These lepers are generally forgotten and not allowed to move among the general public. They cannot collect even drinking water from the public taps as they are treated as untouchables. These people cannot live with others and they cannot earn food due to their physical disorder. They depend on begging for their livelihood. When we prayed for these people we were told that no their bodies but their souls are important for Him. So we determined to preach them about Jesus and his simplified way of salvation. We provided them with medicines, food and clothing to express and share the love of Jesus Christ and how he cares for them. In our organization we have appointed a doctor and few nurses to give them periodical check ups.